Wednesday, February 14, 2018

More trouble at Guantánamo

The headline for Carol Rosenberg's latest Guantánamo article in the Miami Herald is hard to beat: "Military judge wants civilian attorneys arrested for quitting USS Cole case." Excerpt:
The judge in the USS Cole terrorism case ordered prosecutors Tuesday to draft warrants instructing U.S. Marshals to seize two civilian defense attorneys who have quit the case and ignored his orders and a subpoena to appear at the war court.

Air Force Col. Vance Spath, the judge, said he would sign the “writs of attachment” on Wednesday and cautioned from the bench that the lawyer for Pentagon-paid attorneys Rosa Eliades and Mary Spears should hustle to federal court, if the lawyer wants to stop what are essentially arrest warrants.
Presumably the lawyers in question will be in federal court today, unless they already are there.

Meanwhile, there has still been no official word on why the military commissions' civilian convening authority and his legal advisor were fired. Military law experts have been mulling whether the firings were unlawful under the command influence provision of the Military Commissions Act.

Things do seem to be flying out of control.

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